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Where is the journey to a new energy future taking us? Do we really want to sacrifice the benefits of abundant and reliable energy that lifted billions of people out of poverty? Do we understand the real and practical issues that affect the outcome? Can we do things now to be sure we live on a healthier, safer planet by 2030 or 2050? After extensive study of information, from across the spectrum, including conservation, technology, economics and biology; we found a way forward we can take together. Some will decide to do more than others but, together, we can make our world in harmony with nature.

There is more and more written about somehow being behind on “climate goals” set by political organizations from all corners of the spectrum because of supply chain issues, environmental impacts, undeveloped technology, economic factors, and lack of public support. Though CO2 has risen in recent years, there is no verifiable basis upon which to declare that humanity faces a “climate crisis.” There are many simple non-industrial solutions that provide a less expensive, longer lasting impact on CO2 levels, and biological diversity. We believe prudent environmentalism is rooted in verifiable science. That our environmental conservation and restorative practices should support nature’s existing mechanisms. That technology should be used to improve current sources of energy without destroying critical infrastructure and millions of lives.

Most importantly, we believe that each and every one of us can learn the basic environmental science and take action to conserve and restore our beautiful planet.

Our mission is to protect the resilience of our natural ecosystems and increase their ability to sequester carbon, build habitat, and improve the health of our planet.

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The climate impact of driving may depend less on what car you drive than how you drive it

By |December 18, 2024|Categories: Article, Blog|

A new assessment offers a fairer approach to sustainable mobility [...]

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