The Green Plan is a nonpartisan, nonprofit advisory for decision makers, policymakers, and voters. We work to educate the public on issues of climate change, climate science and environmentalism from a neutral political perspective. Our concern is that environmental stewardship has become a politicized issue. We all share the land, air, and water. The vast majority of us care deeply about the environment. The Green Plan wants to find common ground for climate action and provide solutions for practical and effective environmentalism in which all citizens can participate.
Our Mission
Our mission is to protect the resilience of our natural ecosystems and increase their ability to sequester carbon, build habitat, and improve the health of our planet. We are calling for individuals, industry and government to consider the comprehensive body of climate science available and make better decisions, today, to achieve a healthier and more sustainable future.
Our Vision
Our vision is a unified earth, from industry to individual, all doing our part to reduce offset pollution with more effective natural restorative solutions.
Climate Outlook
We cannot fail to take definitive, consistent, action to protect our precious resources while maintaining the health, safety, and national security for our citizens.
Our policies must support affordable, proven, effective methods that are immediately scalable to conserve natural ecosystems and restore biological integrity to natural spaces we have impacted through human activity.