Carbon Dioxide and the Earth’s Temperature is, in fact, Rising. Should we be Worried?
About 350 years ago, during the Little Ice Age, the Earth narrowly escaped a climate disaster when the temperature dropped, and carbon dioxide levels were dangerously close to the critical low point where it could no longer support plant life. This would have led to deforestation and crop failures resulting in massive loss of life, destitution, and famine. In the 350 years since then, the carbon dioxide levels have been slowly and steadily increasing but today remain at historically low levels.
In fact, raising CO2 levels 2-3 times higher than they are now would be ideal for farming and forests and will likely result in more abundant food supplies and increased reforestation. So, no; there’s no need to actually worry. Instead, we should recognize that we have time to implement the best solutions to restore our environment from the damage of human impact.
Current CO2 Levels Near Record Lows
CO2 Levels Near Survival Threshold for Vegetation
Carbon Dioxide is Essential for All Life on Earth. But Could Human Induced CO2 Result in Catastrophic Changes to the Climate?
Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring gas that is essential for all life on this planet. It primarily functions as a nutrient for plants. Higher levels of global CO2 produce increased plant growth and forestation of the planet. Reducing CO2 levels below the current 400 ppm (parts per million) could result in lower crop production and lead to worldwide famine and starvation for marginalized, poor and indigenous people.
Over 98% of the Earth’s atmosphere consists of nitrogen and oxygen with a fraction of 1% consisting of carbon dioxide (four one hundredths of one percent = 400 parts per million). Only about 3.5% of CO2 is caused by human activity. That’s about 14 ppm.
Could Raising CO2 by 14 ppm Result in Catastrophic Climate Changes?
Climate Change records show no relationship between CO2 levels and Global Temperature. As you can see from the blue CO2 and red Temperature lines, in this chart, there is no correlation between the two. Each move independently from one another, showing that CO2 is not a contributing factor to global temperatures.
In fact, the ideal amount of atmospheric CO2 for farming and reforestation is 2-3 times the current level. If this were the case, we would have a more abundant food supply and increased forestation in some currently arid landscapes.
We’re Just Not That Significant – When it Comes to Climate Change.
So, what are the primary drivers of climate change? Not us. The climate has been changing for millions of years and there is no specific pattern of human activity that we can scientifically prove is responsible for those changes. Scientists believe the most likely factors are very enormous and powerful natural forces such as solar activity, periodic changes in the earth’s orbit around the sun, the tilting of the earth’s axis, changing patterns of ocean circulation and cloud cover.
The temperature of the earth has fluctuated between ice ages and warm periods over the millions of years for which we have scientifically validated records. Life on Earth is especially better for humans during warmer periods rather than cold periods (ice ages). Lower temperatures are associated with less food production, higher death rates, and social unrest as civilizations compete with one another for survival.
We Can’t Change the Climate, But We Can Measure It.
This chart shows the temperature plotted along the course of recorded human history. As you can see, the temperature of the earth has been warming at the same rate for the past 200 years despite introducing a fossil fuel dependent civilization since World War II. The current global temperature is lower than than during previously most prosperous times for mankind (Bronze Age, Greek and Roman Ages, Medieval Period). There has been no increase to any levels that would pose a threat to mankind throughout human history.
We Have No Proof that Human Activity has Significantly Affected our Climate and there is No Evidence of an Impending Climate Crisis.
The World Economic Forum and the United Nations have tried to predict climate change by overestimating warming by 2-3 times the measured amount. Their computer model based theories predicting melting glaciers, extinction of polar bears and the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef have been all wrong. Scientists have measured an actual increase in the size of the Greenland Ice Cap, a growing polar bear population (since the ban on hunting), and a record coral growth on the Great Barrier Reef.
The science doesn’t support the climate crisis narrative. Those promoting it are doing so, not in the name of science, but for personal financial gain and political motives. The lack of a real climate crisis also doesn’t mean we abandon environmental stewardship as a civilization. The Green Plan seeks to educate and activate individuals, governments and industry leaders to take meaningful environmental conservation and restorative actions that align with nature. And we can waste no time in choosing a path forward.